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can you seduce miranda

would prefer fore. but is good 2nd

hehe, In the next or the Update after that you will get one Sexy Scene with each characters you can get in your Home If you romance them ^^


YES! lets gooo! thats amazing.  Also, Thanks for making such an amazing couple of games. im constantly replaying both

Every time I buy something from the harpy village it doesn't appear in my inventory.

Thats weird, I Look into it.


What's new in v0.53?

in comparison to 0.52 Just some fixes, in comparison to 0.4 the Piraten dungeon

Hi hi! I've noticed that the purple canine merchant can sell you things, but the things I buy don't show up in my inventory. Is there a problem with it or am I just being dumb? Lol

mostly sex items they show up normally.

(1 edit) (+1)

Are you going to add more types of species to turn into like shark and sheep? Also, here's an idea for future update, add perks for different species.

I vote with flamehear

So... Yes there will be a Future Update that Is compleatly focused on adding a few new races, I have to adjust the whole Game when I do It so Inwill add Like 5 new races in one Update.

Secondly... Perks for races are a good Idea, Like feline having more Magic Power or something, maybe even Race specific Special Attack.

what ai did you use for the new images?



I noticed in the files that the maps for movement are all individual images with the character's position. Not trying to criticize your methods but I was thinking if it might be easier to have the position a separate PNG from the map to save (maybe) not only file size, but also some time?

I might not know much about coding but i think a few extra lines of code could help with the unnecessary image files.

I use twine to make the Game and can't Put one Image over another, If I wanted to do that I would have to Lock the resolution so It Always Looks right, and that means that all mobile devices would Look Bad.

How do I find the water area sea?

The Coast Is the newest, did you mean that ?

(1 edit)

Yes I wasn’t sure where it was yesterday when I upgraded the building and stuff or a specific area I haven’t explored 

You have to Look through the swamp there you can find it ^^

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um I can’t find it is there something I missing?

Hmmm don't know, If you have updated and follows the Road in the swamp area you normally unlock the Coast at the end

If you're looking for a site to put the game on you can try this one:

It's on their for a while. ^^

Small problem when I click on it in the site it brings me automatically to here.

Oh you mean AS a Browser Game? Didn't knew they allow that too, have to Look at that thx

no problem

Nice! When's the next cheat sheet coming out?

A week or so.

(1 edit)


O.o oh... Change of Plans Ibam working on a fandom wiki that will come after the next Update with all items enemies and scenes included ^^

but the game is cool, I want to continue )))

I actually had this problem before. You might want to try downloading  it again and then extracting it. Some of the files might not be downloaded so you have to check.

and in the mansion on the swamp, some images of the endings don't work either (((((

In the dungeon in the mountains, some images of the endings do not work (((

Ive only found 2 of the places out of what I think is 3 ive found the woods and swamp place is there one for the mountains

Mountains has a mercenary camp too


Im wondering what the codes are

Are at the endings of Demonlords lair

Ok thanks

Hi, I am asking because I am curious how close are to completing the February update?

the Update that will come Out on patreon Is quite big so a bit more, I start writing the scenes in a few days so I would guess around the 20-25th

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 262 days ago

As of right now there will be a third game I would say, still in the far future but it is likely to be even more complex, not from the systems but maybe in an engine where RPGs work out intead of html, going back to the archer and warrior path is unlikely, while its fun to make it isn't really what I have in mind.

The newgrounds link leads to a deleted page 

Ye sorry, just looked, it seems like it breaks rules of Newgrounds so I have to look for a new site again...

what will the next update be about

Deleted 1 year ago

The Coast Dungeon and finally a way to reachable the next Land, and a General Update with Open Maps for all areas.

Will there be a dungeon for the coast eventually?

Yes comes with the Februar update

(1 edit)

Okay cool.

Will I have to go to the new ground site for the update?

If you want to play it in browser than yes, if you download then it will be here

How to go through the warehouse in the Christmas update?

In the second stage all options lead to a bad ending - is this a bug?

Dayum I suck at Hidden Things, Just scroll down XD

What AI did you use?

also when i use the code, i cant return back

nvm figured it out

i remember only one of the codes, could you tell me what the other ones are?

i have something  in status under specials that says cowbell. its not the curse but i believe it keeps enhancing the size of my breasts. is there a way to disable that?

mb it's a bug, when you have a cursed Equipment and unequip it the cursed stays, will be fixed next time sry.

all good

Images won't load. I'm on PC Windows 10. I need help to fix images please. I love this game

Hmmm, I would say Download the File again, If you havent taken the folder Out of the .rar then do that too

It works! Thank you

Images  wont load.  I'm on android  and i use fabularium.   Any help?

Hmmmmmm, Can't really tell, I use Joiplay on android to test, can't get fabularium running on my device so can't really help.

Well done! I really like this game

I only played browser version and got only 70%~ of content (or more idk), but it was great. (saw all win/lose scenes in default areas, passed 1st and 3rd dungeon (cant find 2nd), did all possible activities in all 3 places, fully upgraded farm and magic store(idk what is 3rd building) and more and more... )

Here stats I got at endgame

First of, great to hear, soon enough Things will get more findable with Maps Bring added to all Open areas ^^ Stay tuned for the february Update.

When I look through the enemy pictures I only see the mountain and coast enemy pictures so does that mean those pictures are the only pictures or is there something that I'm missing?

there should also be the woods enemies, the Dungeon enemies are in the Dungeons folder

Yeah, I see the dungeon enemies, the allied creatures, and companions in the pictures as well, but the enemy pictures should have woods, mountain, swamp, and coast, correct? Because I got through the woods without pictures, and as soon as i get to the mountain section, the enemy pictures appear now.

Hmmm, that seems wrong but I don't have that Problem on my end, maybe redownload.

Ok, I see all the extra parts now, probably was a half download (for a weird reason.)

I can’t locate it zip File to play on Android

you need a Player Like joiplay for android

What's next??? Pressed 9 to move

9 Is the Menü Button, If you Open the left Menü you will See what the Buttons do, the Numbers are Just shortcuts for it.

Looks like there's a problem, a possible bug that causes the game to crash. Whenever I try to talk to the mystery kobold in the mountain mercenary camp, it stops for a second then crashes.

I'm on a android using joyplay to play the game with all the images included.

It takes a moment to load on PC too, mostly because the image file is gigantic in comparison to other images in game, i'll resize it for the next version ^^

Good to know thanks. Hopefully I'm not missing much till the next version.

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I would like to ask you a questions if you don't mind.

1:how do i find zea?

2:how do i find the companions?

1: You can find her randomly in any open area, and after winning against her twice she joins your camp.

2: There are three companions, one in each mercenary camp and one in the mudbar

How do I find this `Zea`? You gave a clue about in the camps and I checked yet nowhere to be seen. Help pretty please? :3

You can find her randomly in any open area, and after winning against her twice she joins your camp.

So I do have a few questions.

1: What game came before this?

2: Can this game get a few more parts added for the HTML play?

And 3: Is there any way to give ideas without spoiling the idea for other commenters?

First, Demonlords lair was my Test Game that Playstation with the Heros corruption 20 years Prior.

Second, If you mean the Browser/online Play Version than yes, but I need a different Host than because I exceeded their File size Limit.

Third would be either Join the Games discord or DM me on deviantart or furaffinity ^^

(1 edit)

The first answer kinda stumped me. What do you mean, exactly?

And can I find the game here on this site?

Nevermind, I now understand everything. No need to explain it now.

what ai do you use?

Mostly NovelAI

How did you get the art to look that good?

I tried it out and couldnt get quite what I wanted

A lot of time spend on it I would say XD

I made like 5-6k finished AI images so by now I just now the prompts that work and those that don't

I'm trying to play on windows but for some reason the images won't load. is it a bug, or do I have to download an extension to my browser? 

it's important that you have the html File in the folder with the Images as downloaded, and that you unzip it If you havent yet.

Review: Decent for what it is.

  • Art is good.
  • Writing is solid.
  • Combat is dull and repetitive.
  • Almost all transformations seem to be bad ends rather than something you get to play with, which is disappointing.
  • The exploration being RNG based is slightly annoying but the rate seems reasonable.

Overall a good concept that must needs to be expanded more.

First of all thanks for the review ^^
combat will get a rework soon while the exploration will be changed with the next two updates, replacing the rng based encounter system with a simple map where you can find special things and randomly can encounter enemies.
I want to make the transformations more meaningfull but at the same time don't want any abominations build out of 10 races.

Good to hear that combat and exploration are getting a reword. Suppose this is what I get for playing games still early in development with a bunch of placeholder content.

It is fare to worry about overly complex combinations. However I don’t really see a need for that, it is fine if all the major transformations override rather than combine. The issue is more that 1) you will only get transformed outside of a bad end by deliberately using a transformation item and 2) there doesn’t seem to be all that much impact from being transformed. Or from being any particular race. At the moment it is almost entirely cosmetic. Hope to see more dynamic interactions in future builds.

How does the does the goblin ale transformative work? I drank a few and nothing happened.

I think it has a little bug in it, if not then normally it should skyrocket your lust to 99

Yeah I noticed it increased my lust, but I didn't see any transformation at all. Does it just increase lust?

I think so yes

I've been grinding in the swamp for hours, and I still haven't found the coast.  Is there something I'm supposed to do first, or is my RNG just that bad?


Just a question up first, are you playing in the browser? doesn't support the size of 0.3(Coast update) anymore so like the first Important line in the describtion says only the downloaded version got updated for now until I find a host that can manage the size.
If it's in downloaded versionplease tell me ^^

That's a big ol' herpaderp on my part.  XD  I missed that line.  My  mistake!


No worries, I am hoping to find a new host soon ^^

So hear me out, bigger maximum sizes


Hear me out.... Yes XD I will do that,  definitly, just a bit more content for now.

Would hyper sizes be out of the question? And potential physique changes like muscle and thiccness? Maybe even some height stuff.

Depends, If you mean hyper breasts for example, would maybe Happen, If you mean hyper in general, would be a possibility, but Not with it's own Images probably.

There will be probably one Update in the Future that Just focuses on big and small persons and Special endings for that, but that Is far in the future

Hyper breasts or penis depending on how good you can get the image generation... Maybe some regarding body types or even impacting the bodies of the npcs if that's ever planned. Could be fun to change them around too.

that should be doable to a notable Level, and IT will come with it's own Update at an Later Date ^^

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