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So when will the  update be released for the  non patreon players?

when the patreons get their next update so likely 1-2 month

Aha. Thank you

when I defeat a goblin a error message appears that say 

Error [PassageDone]: <<script>>: bad evaluation: $ is not a function. (In '$("img[usemap]")', '$' is "function (e,t){return new S.fn.init(e,t)}1").

Appears every time I do a Acton after I defeated the goblin 

What is the cheat sheet?!?!?

It#s what was used before the wiki to see how to get endings

Hey, when will the cheat sheet be updated

Also for some reason images aren't loading for me..

Don#T know why they aren't loading and there is a wiki that is wip atm

Truth be told, I actually prefer the cheat sheet method. It’s a lot easier to see what endings can be reached by what character.

What are the cheats?

Cheat sheet. Not cheats. It's a reference page.

Deleted 216 days ago

There is a limit on how many images you can have for the web play, and adding all the main character images would take away from alot of the others

so is this on hiatus? i only ask due to it being 90days since last update.

Next update is rather large(I believe)

i see so its confirmed to be in the works and not on break?

i do believe so

Sorry for answering late, next update is today, had a little break duo to privat reasons no worries, it's full on the go again ^^ Also yes the New privat/Patreon build is very big, the new public build not as much, but still content.

all is well mate  take all the time you need whenever you need to and thanks for the highly enjoyable content.

Deleted 216 days ago

You can use joiplay to play it on mobile

thanks I did it already 

Okay I didn't know if you had so I thought I'd just leave a comment for you or others 

Does anyone know if there's going to be a new update?


for some reason even though the bee loss scene says that the bee gives you some honey, you don't get given honey in your inventory. that seems weird. it should put some honey in your inventory, IMO.

I wish I cud be a shark

When will be update?


Have patience

either something is wrong on my end or the profile picture is busted because it's not showing

Less images show for playing in computer browser, and like only bad ends and enemys show up for mobile

When's the new update?

It will be eventually

IMGs arent loading

The Browser Version on ich has No Profile Images and handys need a Special Player, If it doesn't Work downloaded on PC please Tell me.

I downloaded it, and it doesnt work still.

(1 edit)

Same here just downloaded it and it doesn't work

Edit some how got it to work i reloaded the page and now it works

Will there be other cursed objects in the next updates?

Yes Lots

Where can I get a rubber ball?

By doc, a m,erchant before the cave after beating the cave boss

Are there any new endings related to the cursed items?

The new Rubber ball has one.

where can you find the rubber ball one 

I heard about cursed stuff 

You can get it right in front of mthe cave in the mountains from Doc if you beaten the cave boss

Hhmm none of the art/pictures are appearing for me. Do you know why that is happening.

All Images or only at certain Points ?

All art (for me atleast, not OG commentor) 

yeah same

Hmmmmm, have to Look into that, the Browser Version has a few less Images and Android needs a Special Browser, you playing on mobile device?

I found my fix, I updated my chrome and had to move the files for the game onto the same disk as chrome. When I had it on an external hardrive the images wouldn't load.


Just curious here but, what AI generator do you use for your art?


(1 edit)

I like it, beside i am not into in anything beside cis male and being male too, but i like it, maybe i am playing it wrong but a little grind in some point using a lot of energy to beat enemies.

When will there be an update Redemptions keep cheat sheet endings ?

There is a Wiki now.

How do I reach the desert area?

You have to buy a ship by melly

What to do after killing a boss in the ruins?

I can't get out of the ruins

Walk Back Out normally

I killed the boss, came back and couldn't get out of the ruins into the desert. Is this how it's supposed to work?

Normally Not, I Look into it, homebutton should still work

(1 edit)

The rapier isnt showing up in my inventory, nor are the new drinks

Also chess is missing

for safety I'll ask First, you updated to 0.7 right ?


I Look into it

Any luck?

Got hacked and have to get that settled to get Access to everything again so sadly Not yet.

Idea for a future update: some method of storing your gold at main camp so you don't lose it.

how do i leave base it doesn't give me the option to trave

Was there an event on Easter or not yet?

Will be there any update and when? I am curious about new updates. I love your game <3


Yes in a few days, Just a smaller one but there will be one.


not sure if it's just me but the image in your status seems broken, won't load even after reloading the game and even starting a new file doesn't fix it

Same here. On player character for you as well?

Yes, it's Browserplay Thing, itchios only allows 1k Images for Browserplay, and I either have to Not used profile Images or Take away 60 endings.

Oh, ok

I'm on mobile browser and player images are not showing up. Says stuff like :Race : $displayrasse

The downloaded Version?

Someone know a cheat code?


Is the new desert map not loading for anyone else?

Was only in the browserversion, trying to fix it right now

What's new in v0.62

Hey there are two bugs I have found with the game. Bug 1 is with the male goblin. Sometimes when you defeat him you get an error popup appears which goes away permenantly when you reload but reapears every time you click a link if you don't reload. Bug 2 is when fighting the chicken at the farm. The bad end for being a kobold doesn't load and you just get the normal defeat script.

Here is another idea for a future improvement. You can add more special events that are activated for certain days of the year like the Christmas one you added. So that people can look forward to accessing the game on certain days. You can do a Halloween one, several different summer themed events and stuff like that.

Definitly, couldn't make an easterone sadly

Hey! I'm playing this on mobile, and the whole ship section with the shark pirate and all that don't have any photos. It just shows the little question mark box where the pics should be. Are you aware of this?

Yes you Play the Browser Version and that one Supports only 1k Images so even though the Text getsb updates the Image don't fit, you need to Download to See the new ones.

where can i find the codes?


Last Game Demonlords lair

Any update ?

I am about done with the next one, Just awaiting some guest writers scenes ^^

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